Smart and Sustainable Cities 3rd International Conference
20 – 21 May, Lille, France
Conference Chairs: Professors F. BELAID, V. FLAMBARD and I. SHAHROUR

Thursday, May 20, 2021
Welcome address & Plenary Sessions
Thursday, May 20 @ 09:45
Welcome address – Fateh Belaïd & Nicolas Vaillant
Thursday, May 20 @ 10:00-10:40
Matthieu Glachant (Ecole des Mines – ParisTech): The economics of residential energy retrofits.
Thursday, May 20 @ 10:40-11:20
Stef Proost (KU Leuven): Decarbonizing road transportation in the EU – what makes sense?
Meeting ID : 870 4793 7646
Thursday, May 20 @ 11:20-11:30
Thursday, May 20 @ 11:30-13:00
Session 1: Energy Consumption
Chair: Fateh Belaïd (Lille Catholic University)
1. Nathaly Cruz and Marc Baudry (EconomiX, University Paris-Nanterre): Energy Efficiency Capitalization: Contingency of the Green Value on the Housing Market Structure.
2. Maryème Kettani and Maria Eugénia Sanin (CEA, University of Paris Saclay): Energy consumption in Morocco: evidence from household-level survey data.
3. Najia Tahir, Omar Loukili, Mourad Afif and Said Ait Faraji (Mohammed V University, Morocco): Economic and environmental implications of the ecotax on refined energy products in Morocco: Computable general equilibrium modeling.
4. Saidou Abdoulaye Sy and Lamia Mokaddem (FSEGT-University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia): Measuring Multidimensional Energy Poverty in Senegal Using Fuzzy Logic.
Meeting ID : 848 0429 2413
Thursday, May 20 @ 11:30-13:00
Session 2: Smart Cities
Chair: Eleonora Vengliati (Lille Catholic University)
1. Ossama Embarak (Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates): Smart cities transition pillars, opportunities, challenges, and layered applications architecture.
2. Francesca Romana Arduino and Marco De Marco (Uninetto University, Italia): Smart working in the smart cities: overview, challenges, and opportunities.
3. Marco De Marco, Francesco Gozzo, Luigi Laura, and Antonio Miloso (Expertlab, Italia): Smart cities, smart (crypto)currency: Facebook Diem’s perceived risks and opportunities.
4. Diego Padovan (Uninettuno University, Italia): An integrated Data Management Model for Smart Cities.
Meeting ID : 829 8669 3870
Thursday, May 20 @ 13:00-14:00
Thursday, May 20 @ 14:00-16:00
Session 3: Behavioral tools to reduce energy consumption
Chair: Nathalie Lazaric (GREDEG – CNRS, University of Côte d’Azur)
1. Lukasz Mamica (Cracow University of economics, Poland): Nudges as determinants of behavior in the field of energy saving – conclusions from the survey of residents of Krakow.
2. Nathalie Lazaric and Mira Toumi (University of Côte d’Azur, GREDEG, CNRS, France): Boosting Citizens Towards Reduced Energy Consumption: A Field Experiment in the Principality of Monaco.
3. Ankinée Kirakozian, Christophe Charlier, Gilles Guerassimoff, Sandrine Selosse (Ecole des Mines of Nancy, BETA, France): Under Pressure! Nudging Electricity Consumption within Firms. Feedback from a Field Experiment.
4. Prudence Dato (University of Basel, Switzerland): Smart grids and renewable electricity generation by households.
Meeting ID : 872 7568 8736
Thursday, May 20 @ 14:00-16:00
Session 4: Regional initiatives and their impacts
Chair: Matthieu Belarouci (Anthropo-Lab-ETHICS EA 7446-Lille Catholic University)
1. Matthieu Belarouci (Lille Catholic University): Contours and Impact of Companies linked to the Third Industrial Revolution: Example of Hauts-de-France.
2. Zakaria El Faiz and Said Tounsi (University Rabat-Agdal, Marocco): The (a)symmetrical effects of production on employment in Morocco: an application of the non-linear threshold ARDL model.
3. Sara Zouiri and Driss Frej (Mohammed V University, Marocco): Determinants of informal competition in Africa: evidence from business data.
4. Ali Ouaziz (Mohammed V University, Marocco): The development of assets and governance of smart city infrastructures.
Meeting ID : 824 2195 9612
Thursday, May 20 @ 16:00-16:15
Thursday, May 20 @ 16:15-18:15
Session 5: Urban mobility, new technologies and urban development
Chair: Moez Kilani (Littoral-Côte-d’Opale University)
1. Séghir Zerguini (Bordeaux University, France): Presentation of the SIMUTEC platform (MUlti-sector SImulation of systemic effects for supporting local authorities in their Ecological Transition).
2. Alain l’Hostis, Wassim Hached (LVMT, Gustave Eiffel University, France): “Mobility hubs”, new tools for sustainable urban mobility?
3. Falk Wagenhausen, Larisse Oliviera-Costa (University of Littoral Côte d’Opale, France): Urban logistics.
4. Moez Kilani, Ngagne Demba Diop et Daniel De Wolf (University of Littoral Côte d’Opale, France): A multimodal transport model for the North of France.
5. Alain l’Hostis (LVMT, Gustave Eiffel University, France): An analysis of multimodal use of personal and shared e-scooters with public transport in the Toulon Métropole: Towards extended station areas?
Meeting ID : 884 0337 9370
Thursday, May 20 @ 16:15-18:15
Session 6: Cities, Industry 4.0 and Climate Change
Chair: Adel Ben Youssef (University of Côte d’Azur – GREDEG-CNRS)
1. Amel Makhlouf (CLIMAT-MED): The case of “Climat MED” in Maghreb Countries.
2. Severine Carrez-Borderon (International Institute for Ecological Negotiation – GREDEG-CNRS): Combating climate change in Cities: The role of Nature-Based Solutions.
3. Mejdi Frihi, Aïda Robbana & Henda Gafsi (ONU-Habitat, North Africa): The Urban National Policy in Tunisia.
4. Adel Ben Youssef (University of Côte d’Azur – GREDEG-CNRS): Climate vulnerabilities of Tunis City: What went wrong?
5. Adelina Zeqiri (University of Hasan Pristina): Hospitality Industry 4.0 and the cities.
Meeting ID : 812 5585 0848
Thursday, May 20 @ 16:15-18:15
Session 7: Innovation and the environment
Chair: Sofien Tiba (University of Sfax – Tunisia)
1. Amira Bouzid and Mohamed Ben Amar (University of Sfax, Tunisia): The era of digitalization and the fourth industrial revolution.
2. Sayef Bakari (University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia): Do innovation contribute to the three pillars of sustainable development? A comparative study between developed and developing Countries.
3. Raed Jadlaoui and Wajdi Frikha (Higher Institute of Business Management, Gafsa, Tunisia): The urbanization and eco-environmental resilience: opportunity or threat?
4. Latifa Dhaouadi, Sofien Tiba, Houda Besser and Nissaf Karbout (Unviersiy of Gafsa, Tunisia): The water resources and climate vulnerabilities’ nexus: Possible two-way interactions?
Meeting ID : 895 2784 8507
Friday, May 20, 2021
Friday, May 21 @ 09:00-10:30
Session 8: Innovations in the energy sector
Chair: Véronique Flambard (Lille Catholic University)
1. Antonia Coppola and Marco De Marco (Uninettuno University, Italia): The evolution of the legislation on tax allowances and energy saving in Italy in the housing sector. Analysis of two successful business cases where the concept of creating economic value is combined with that of energy efficiency.
2. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary and Muhammad Mohsin (Tokai University, Japan): Assessing the role of investment opportunities on technological innovations in the energy sector of E7 countries.
3. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Nandita Mishra and Vijeta Singh (Tokai University, Japan): Determinants of the Solar Power Generation in India: An Assessment of the State-Level Policy Incentives.
4. Valbon Mulaj and Vlora Prenaj (University of Prishtina, Kossovo): Legal and economic aspect of large businesses in Kosovo.
Meeting ID : 819 5499 0268
Friday, May 21 @ 09:00-10:30
Session 9: Climate Change
Chair: Sandra Kendo (Lille Catholic University)
1. Jothilakshmy Nagammal (Saveetha College of Architecture & Design, India): Ancient Town Planning Principles and Modern Urban Planning Policies for Achieving Healthy Environment – Lessons Learnt.
2. Feleke Motuma (Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia): A Review on Policy Change for Climate Change in Ethiopia.
3. Donia Aloui, Brahim Gaies, Khaled Guesmi and Rafla Hchaichi (Paris-School of Business, France): Environmental Degradation and Financial Instability in African Countries.
4. Kshitij Tewari (School of Planning and Architecture, India): Concepts, Theories and Practices of Sustainable Environmental Planning and their Origin in The Brundtland Report.
Meeting ID : 897 1456 0867
Friday, May 21 @ 10:30-12:30
Session 10: How to measure the return on investment in Smart Cities?
Chairs: Isam Shahrour (Lille University) & Xiongyao Xie (Tongji University)
1. Isam Shahrour, Xiongyao Xie, Hanbing Bian (Lille University, France): Financing smart cities projects.
2. Elias FARAH (Polytech Lille, France): How the use of smart water technology could help reduce water leak.
3. Tariq Judeh, Hanbing Bian, Isam Shahrour (Lille University, France): How the use of smart water harvesting could help reducing water consumption in arid and semi-arid areas?
4. Lara Ramadan, Isam Shahrour, Hussein Mroueh, Fadi Hage Chehade (Polytech Lille, France): A comprehensive analysis of value creation in building renovation.
5. Rania Wehbe, Marwan Sadek, Isam Shahrour (Lille University): Use of BIM and Smart Technology to improve Building Fire Security.
6. Lamine Lagsaiar, Ammar Aljer, Isam Shahrour, Aziz Soulhi (Polytech Lille, France): How the use of smart technology could help reduce energy consumption in social housing?
Meeting ID : 837 7193 4270
Friday, May 21 @ 12:00-13:00
Friday, May 21 @ 13:00-15:00
Session 11: Resource-constrained innovations: the case of the building sector
Chair: Michelle Mongo (Mines Saint-Etienne, France)
1. Marleine Semaan, Mireille Matt and Michelle Mongo (Mines Saint-Etienne, France): Resource-constrained innovations: three main innovation processes in developing countries.
2. Dominique Couret and Denise Hobela Koné (Institute of Research for Development, UMI Résiliences): How to design a finalized scientific information to support a techno-eco-ecological transition, both sustainable for society and frugal in terms of resources, in Côte d’Ivoire? Demonstration test based on the analysis of the transitional potential of the Attiéké production chain for the urban market of Abidjan.
3. Audrey Tanguy and Valérie Laforest (Institute Henri Fayol, Mines Saint-Etienne, France): Towards what frontiers for low techs?
4. Marleine Semaan, Mireille Matt and Michelle Mongo (Mines Saint-Etienne, France): The dissemination of Grassroots innovations in developing countries: the case of the Nubian Vault.
5. Christian Brodhag (Mines Saint Etienne, France): Frugal innovation in sustainable construction.
Meeting ID : 824 9517 7228
Friday, May 21 @ 13:00-15:00
Session 12: Socio-technology of energy
Chair: Loïc Aubrée (Lille Catholic University)
1. Hervé Barry (Lille Catholic University): Strengthening socio-technical energy management: shedding light on a human and organizational challenge provided by the European Life MaPerEn project.
2. Laure Dobigny (Lille Catholic University): Smart and Sustainable Buildings: dead-ends, challenges, and imaginaries of efficiency.
3. Fateh Belaïd, Zeinab Ranjbar and Camille Massié (Lille Catholic University): Exploring the cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency implementation measures in the residential sector.
Meeting ID : 851 3289 0361
Friday, May 21 @ 15:00-15:15
Friday, May 21 @ 15:15-17:15
Session 13: Agriculture and Business
Chair: Dima Murtada (Lille Catholic University)
1. Baghas Budi and Nasrul Rizal (University of Padjadjaran, Inodonesia): Influence of Agricultural Sector Input Factors on Development of Agricultural Output in West Java Regency and Municipality.
2. Natalia Zugravu Soilita, Rajwane Kafrouni, Severine Bouard and Leila Apithy (University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, France): Do cultural capital and social capital matter for economic performance? An empirical investigation of tribal agriculture in New Caledonia.
3. Thomas Chen (The Academy for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, USA): Resilient cities on the front lines of climate change.
4. Vjosa Hajdari, Vlora Berisha and Halit Shabani (University Haxhi Zeka, Kosovo): The influence of ownership: private, public, and mixed on “cost mitigation” of the waste management sector in Kosovo as a developing country.
5. Vlora Berisha (Unhz), Iliriana Miftari, Vlora Prenaj, Juliana Imeraj: The Impact Of Audit Committees Personal Characteristics On Audit Quality: An Upper-Echelons perspective.
Meeting ID : 857 3744 3032