Tél : 03 61 76 75 40
Research areas
Labour economics, education, household decision-making, time use, gender, behaviour, public policies.
Claire Thibout received her PhD in Economics in 2014 from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the French National Institute for Demographic Studies. She studied household decision-making (allocation of monetary resources and time) and young people’s educational choices.
After her PhD, she worked for 6 years at the Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research. She conducted commissioned research for the australian government as well as academic research.
She is currently part of the SSC research unit and the LEM (Lille Economics Management, UMR CNRS 9221).
Her current research fields of interest include:
- The effect of self-confidence on educational choices,
- The effects of parental dissolution and conflict on children’s development,
- Family dynamics within smart and sustainable cities.
Her work relies on theoretical and empirical analyses in microeconomics.
She is currently teaching microeconomics, international economics and statistics.